Those “other kinds of aerosols”…
such as geyser blasts and the crashing of ocean waves. As assistant editor, I would
helpfully fill in SPRAY’s calendar with upcoming events such as the International
Aerosol Conference or news of university scholarships granted in aerosol research,
only to have my editor cross them out with a red pen.
“Those are the ‘other’ aerosols,” she would point out, and I soon learned to read
and re-read all press materials carefully, as most times any news items with the word
“aerosol” landed in my inbox. I was trained to never confuse the two.
That’s why I really enjoyed this months’ Pressure Points column by the HCPA’s
Nicholas Georges. Georges effectively makes a correlation between aerosol products
and atmospheric aerosols in a way that actually makes sense—but don’t take it from
me. Learn all about POAs, SOAs, VOCs and IARA on p. 10.
From Düsseldorf with Liebe…
As we go to press, SPRAY staff has just returned from the European Aerosol
Federation (FEA) Global Aerosol Events 2018 in Düsseldorf, Germany. The muchanticipated
event featured a two-day roster of informative presentations and offered
excellent opportunities for networking. More on the event in an upcoming issue. FEA
Global Aerosol Events 2020 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on Sept. 23–24, 2020.
While staff was away at the FEA
event, an anonymous reader left
us a phone message asking SPRAY
to please publish a list of aerosol
contract fillers. First, we’d like to
thank you for taking the time to
contact us. We always appreciate
feedback and suggestions. Second,
we’d like to remind all readers that our annual Fillers Directory is published in every
March issue! Can’t find your March issue? Not a problem at all. Visit www.spraytm.
com/contract-fillers-directory to access the current version online. The convenient A to Z
format makes finding global aerosol fillers a snap.
6 Spray November 2018
Spray Technology & Marketing
Cynthia Hundley
Ava Caridad
Editorial Director
Veronica MacDonald Ditko
Assistant Editor
Montfort A. Johnsen
Technical Editor
Susan Carver
Vice President, Administration
Doug Bacile
National Sales Manager
Donald Farrell
Miguel Bravo
Graphic Artist
Joy Cunningham
Reader Service Coordinator
Volume 28, No. 11, November, 2018
Industry Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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from the Publisher.
Spray Technology & Marketing
(ISSN No.1055-2340) is published monthly
by Industry Publications, Inc.
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Indoor Comfort Marketing
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professional, legal advice.
When I first started
working for this
magazine, it didn’t take
me long to realize that there were
two separate aerosol industries:
Aerosol products in continuous spray
packaging and the “other” aerosols—
the little droplets of liquid or fine
particulates that float around in the
air, caused by a number of things
Editorial Director